Welcome to Being Miraculous
Following is additional information about Being Miraculous, as well as a few suggestions for how to maximize and integrate the energy of the transmissions:
You Are Light and Energy
When Being Miraculous was created, an energetic vortex was set up. This vortex is composed of light and energy, just as you are. The energy of this vortex is available to you once you register. This energy is timeless. You can access it simply by asking to do so, or setting an intention to connect. All the energy that comprises who you are is now part of this potent community of light, and is supported in the power of this intentional vortex with hundreds of others around the world.
Creating Intentions
This is a powerful vortex of creation and manifestation. We invite you to create intentions for anything you desire to manifest in your life—in any area in which you would like to access more light, synchronicity, miracles, or flow. Please e-mail your intentions to us so that we can hold and energize them daily in our prayers and transmissions. Over the course of your listening to the transmissions, you can also e-mail us any new intentions that arise.
The Transmissions
Each Course of Light contains recorded energy transmissions. These transmissions occur at potent universal times of evolution, such as full moons and eclipses. We are guided as to the most auspicious times to conduct them.
Even though they contain references to events such as full moons, these are timeless transmissions. The light and energy contained within each transmission is there to support each individual in unique and personal ways. We have observed that, if you are drawn to participate with any of these courses, your soul has already joined that vortex when it originally set up and now your personality is wishing to partake of the energy and information in more direct ways. For this reason, the transmissions may sound familiar to you and will remain forever timeless and supportive for you.
From time to time, there may be a transmission of only animal or nature sounds. These transmissions were created at the request of those particular beings who wished to contribute their unique energy and light to the vortex at that time.
How to Listen to the Transmissions
Once you download the audio transmissions, we recommend that you create a time when you can relax, close your eyes, and open fully to receive the transmission. Each transmission is a great deal of light and energy. Since the transmissions are multidimensional in nature, it may feel as though you are having a healing bodywork session. We have found that the more relaxed and open you are, the more energy and light can move through you. We are guided to conduct these transmissions to support optimal multidimensional integration.
We recommend that you do not listen to the audio transmissions while driving or operating machinery. We recommend that you exercise and drink plenty of water on the days you listen to the transmissions and in general throughout the course.
Integrating the Transmissions
There is a great deal of light and energy contained within each transmission, which you may feel for several days after listening to a recording. For this reason, we suggest you pace yourself as to when you listen to the recordings. Take time to connect and ask when the best time is for you to move to the next transmission. We recommend that you listen to the transmissions initially in order. After you have completed listening to all of them, you can listen again to any that you are drawn to, in whatever order you wish.
Many have found that walking or practicing yoga or some other type of movement helps to move and integrate the incoming flows of energy and light into their systems. It is also useful to be in nature or in a natural body of water, to lie or walk barefoot on the earth, to rest, and to pay attention to your feelings for how best to care for and nourish yourself. We suggest that when you take a bath or shower, you ask to clear any energy you may wish to release.
The energy of Being Miraculous will prevail in your life in many unpredictable ways. You may have situations, feelings, thoughts, and occurrences arise that will bring to your awareness areas of your life that are ready to evolve to a new level. We encourage you to see everything that happens in your life during the course as an opportunity for exploration into Being Miraculous.
Ongoing Support
While you are in this course, if you feel a need for support or energy or if you desire to manifest flow around an issue you are dealing with, simply take a moment to tap into the energy of the Being Miraculous vortex and ask for assistance. Because this is a group offering, both on the earth plane and in the planes of light, the energy will be tangible and very potent. We remind you that the larger part of who you are—your soul and higher self—is always available to you and, when you ask to receive support from your higher self and guides of light, you will receive it. This support may come in unpredictable ways, occurrences, or time frames—but be assured, it will come.
Inviting Others
You may invite others to join Being Miraculous at any time. Animals and children, in particular, are very sensitive and drawn to the energy of these transmissions of light. Please have anyone who wishes to participate register online. We ask that you not share the audio transmissions with others who are not participating in Being Miraculous, as they will not have the energetic base of the vortex to enable them to fully integrate the energy.
It is our intention that your course fee will come back to you many times over. We donate a portion of your course fee to various projects of universal benefit.
Thank you for joining us in this wondrous offering of light at this very special time.
If you have any questions, feedback, or anything you would like to share, please e-mail us.
In service, with love and light,
Taylor and the Communities of Light