In Alignment

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In Alignment


We are divine creatures, perfectly aligned with our innate essence, unique to us and only us. Our birthright is to express this essence and thrive in an ever-changing state of joy and well-being. As we find ourselves existing in an accelerating evolution of light, being in divine alignment is ever more essential. We invite you to join us in this global offering of light. Together, with others around the world, we will enhance and expand our innate connection to ourselves and the divine.

We are living in a time that is moving and evolving at a speed greater than light – this evolution demands the best of us moment by moment. Having energetic support is invaluable.

We have been guided to offer this global container of light and energy, beginning on the first full moon of spring (or fall) depending on your location in the world) and culminating on the solstice.

Coming together monthly within energetic containers of universal support such as this offers us a vital source of connection, healing, and power.

Each month, on the new and full moon, we will conduct energetic transmissions of light. These recorded transmissions will be sent to you via email the day following, so you can listen to them at your leisure when you can relax and open to receive. Each transmission will serve to support and nurture you with exactly what you need for your evolution, balance, and connection to health. These transmissions will connect you with your soul, and your light, and provide multi-dimensional healing. Participants joining together from around the globe will form a powerful vortex of light – seeding, “In Alignment “in their lives and the world. The union of so many souls coming together within an aligned intention such as this results in miraculous outcomes.

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